Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Juice fast and thinspo

ok so today I start my 31 day juice fast and what better way to start then some thinspo

Hope everyone who reads this is going well

I will keep you posted




Pro-Ana Tips and Rules (I copied this off of a now defunct website, RIP Anna’s Underground Grotto)* Cold showers help you burn calories to stay warm. Also, cold water helps your hair hold in the vitamins in your shampoo and contioner as well as enhancing volume.
* Water is your best friend. It fills you up and also keeps your skin looking good, not dry or yellow.
* Every now and then, buy tampons or pads. Keep them with you and throw them out as if you had used them; this will allay suspicion that you’ve lost your period due to being too thin.

*Drink a full glass of ice water at least 3 times a day. Good hydration reduces hunger, and it’s good for your skin
* “Spend” your calories on healthy things such as protein and vegetables; why be thin and dead?
* Layers, people, layers upon layers of clothing! Keeps you warm and keeps people from noticing how thin you’ve become. Gloves and hats are wonderful, too.
* Manicures/pedicures hide brittle nails.
* Caffeine reduces hunger and gives you energy to get through your day.
* Taking antacids will help reduce hunger pains.

* Gum, coffee, and diet soda. Drink or chew constantly and you won’t feel hungry.
* Drinking something warm fills you up and reduces hunger pangs.
* Drinking something cold makes your body burn extra calories to keep you warm.

The 7-7 Rule
Dinner must be eaten by 7:00 pm. After dinner, no food is to be consumed until 7:00 am at the earliest. This is basically the same as a 12-hour fast, meaning if you live by this rule for an entire year, you will have equivalently fasted for 6 months.
The 3-hour Rule
3 hours must pass between the last time you ate and the time you go to bed. This ensures that you are actively burning calories while the food is initially digesting, versus when you are sleeping, when metabolism slows and you burn fewer calories.
When you’re feeling weak…

1. Pinch your thigh and see how you don’t need food, because you should be eating your own flesh all away from the inside first.
2. Go to the library. You can research dieting or whatever, or you can read the classics, or some of the aforementioned literature. Or you can do homework, or write letters, but the beauty of it is, since no food or drink is allowed, you’ll have no choice but to abstain from a meal.

.3. Buy some baby teething gel and rub it on your tongue, to numb your tastebuds.
4. If you’re even considering eating, just hold your breath and count to 100. Chances are that you’ll convince yourself not to eat whatever it is you’re craving in that time.
5. The scent of coffee has been proven to lessen ones appetite.
6. Chew the food but don’t swallow it. Spit it in the bin.
7. If you’re feeling dangerous, plan out the next few hours so that you’re occupied for every single minute. Write a list of things to do for every 15 minutes. ex.) exercise, surf the internet, email your friends, clean a room, read a book.
8. If you’re feeling brave enough to face the kitchen, go there and throw out any potential binge foods. If you must, pour bleach/disinfectant/dishwashing detergent on the food, and then throw it away!
9. Pinch your ear! Apply pressure to the front of the ear, one at a time. The front of the ear is apparently a pressure point, in the area that controls hunger.

10. Let perfume replace chocolate. Every time you have a craving, or pass a bakery, sniff some Chanel no. 5. Apply it to a tissue and carry it with you. Smell has a powerful effect on appetite.
11. Clean something. Cleaning something dirty can make you lose your appetite. The toilet, the litter box, under the kitchen sink, scrubbing out the garbage bin, anything grimy or smelly. The mess, along with the smell of the cleaner, can put you off food for a while.
12. Become an artist. Write anorexic poetry. Anorexics are creative. Collect pictures of skinny girls. Stick them all in your notebook.

Avoid that plate!

Here are some things to do INSTEAD OF eating:

1. Clean house! Get busy “hoeing and throwing,” go through old stuff and purge out what you don’t wear, don’t want, don’t need anymore. Dust. Vaccuum. Scrub. Keep busy! It engages the attention and keeps the thoughts off food. If you’re a teen, your mom will be amazed and VERY grateful, so grateful she’ll forget to nag you about food! If you’re an adult, you’ll thank yourself when you’re done!

2. Keep sipping on that lemon-water, tea, or diet pepsi while you work! Keeps the tummy sated so it won’t growl at ya.

3. Put on some music and dance! Or keep the tunes rolling while you clean house, it keeps the work from getting boring and you can boogie while you sweat!

4. Work on your new pro-ana website, or update your online ana journal.

5. Network with other pro-anas through chat, email, messenger or club sites — get some support and motivation from your sisters/brothers when you NEED it!

6. Put together a pro-ana scrapbook (or add some new things if you already have one) with lists of safe foods, low-cal, low-fat, low-carb recipes, word collages, and of course, TRIGGER PICS!!!

7. Surf the web and make a list of all the pro-ana sites you can find, or all the safe-food sites you can find, or all the places online where you can buy diet pills, shake mixes, etc. These lists are VERY handy for research and sharing with others!

8. Get up off that lazy cow butt and take a walk or start working out! You still have fat to burn, don’t you??? Quit laying around dreaming of donuts and pizza and GET BUSY!!! =)


1. You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day.

2. You don't NEED food. The human body can go 70 days without food.

3. Fat people can't fit everywhere.

4. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.

5. You'll be able to run faster without all that extra weight holding you back.

6. People will remember you as the 'beautiful thin one.'

7. If someone has to describe you, they'll say, 'oh, she weighs like nothing.'

8. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.

9. Starving is an example of excellent willpower.

10. You will be able to see your beautiful, beautiful bones.

11. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite.

12. If you eat, you'll look like those disgusting, fat, ghetto and trailer-trash hookers on Jerry Springer.

13. The models that everyone claim are beautiful, the spitting image of perfection, are any of them fat? ... NO....

14. Too many people in America are obese.

15. People who eat are selfish and unrealistic.

16. Only fat people are attracted to fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you are one of them?

17. Anyone can have 'inner beauty,' but few can earn real beauty, inside as well as out.

18. You'll be able to move as quietly and skillfully as a spider.

19. Only thin people are graceful.

20. If you slap a fat person, you can see a shockwave ripple over their skin. That's disgusting.

21. Do you want people to say, 'For god's sake get off of me, you're crushing me; I can't breathe!' or'You are soo light.' ????

22. Underweight, a.k.a. perfect body.

23. Ballerina? Or beanbag?

24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the clouds.

25. I want to walk in the snow and leave no footprints.

26. Starve off the parts you don't need. They're ugly and drag you down.

27. Nothing can't be fixed with hunger and weightloss.

28. Saying 'No, thanks,' to food is saying 'Yes, please,' to THIN!

29. Fat people are so huge, people see through them and it's like they don't exist.

30. The only time people notice a fat person is when they get in the way of that beautiful thin girl walking by.

31. There are starving kids in Africa.

32. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

33. Is food more important than happiness in life? Your appearance to others?

34. Eating is conforming.

35. When you start to get dizzy and weak, you're almost there.

36. Hunger is your friend and it won't betray you like food.

37. Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside out, making you fat, bloated, ugly, and unhappy.

38. Think of anorexia as your secret weapon.

39. If you can name one reason to be fat, I will name a million to be skinny. I'll name them even if you can't find a reason to be fat.

40. Thin people look good in ANY kind of clothing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Juice Fasting

This is all from: http://www.fitnessthroughfasting.com/juicefasting.html

Juice Fasting - Juice Fasting for Quick Weight Loss, Healing & Detoxification - Purify Your Mind, Body & Spirit ...

Greetings and welcome to the juice fasting page. Here I'm going to give an introduction to this discipline and talk a little about my own fasting path, the benefits, the detox symptoms and ... for good measure ... I'll throw in some tips at the end to help begginers. Then we'll move on to fruit/vegetable detoxificationand the juicing process. The juice fasting series concludes with juice recipes which gives you fruit and vegetable mixtures that can help you get started right away.

This is the longest page of the juice fasting series. But take your time and read it. There's a lof of information that will help you. I made a lot of mistakes in my journey. I want to pass on TO YOU what I have learned in hopes that you too will experience the health beneifts I did. I'm not talking about anything mystical here either. I'm talking about weight loss and health improvement attained through commitment, desire and determination. I can babble for a thousand pages. Ultimately, IT IS UP TO YOU to put it into practice. So, whatever your excuses have been in the past - THROW THEM AWAY!It is time for you to lose weight and get healthy once and for all. Life is too short. You deserve it!

The point of these articles is to get you moving to DO IT. If you read these pages and do NOTHING, then nothing will happen. I'm sure you've heard it before: IF NOTHING HAPPENS, NOTHING HAPPENS. Why are you here? Is it because you are looking for ways to lose weight and improve the quality of your life? If so, then I tell you that juice fasting can help you acomplish both! Whatever your health/weight situation may be, there IS hope! But, again, you have to go FROM THINKING ABOUT IT TO ACTUALLY DOING IT. Hopefully through these chats we can motivate you into action. The potential is huge.

Weight Loss

Fasting with fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight fast. During the first seven days of juice fasting one can easily lose anywhere between 10-to-40 pounds. While a lot of that initial weight loss will be water weight, it is weight loss nonetheless. One heck of a good start. After seven days the weight loss gravitates from half-a-pound to one pound per day, depending on the level of activity and quantity of juice you drink (we'll talk more about this in a little while).

A 30-day juice fast can help one to lose 25-to-40 pounds. But there are some who lose much more. I have known people who do a 30-day juice fast and lose 60 pounds. One man I know juice fasted for 60 days and lost 110 pounds! The numbers will fluctuate depending on how your body is made. If you stick to the half-a-pound to one-pound-per-day figure, you will not be disappointed. Anything additional to that will be a bonus.

Detox Cleansing

Juice fasting also cleanses your body/digestive system of disease-causing toxins. Furthermore, the nutrients in fruits and vegetables have the capacity to boost your immune system and help your body fight disease - in many cases relieving and even curing illness. You have absolutely nothing to lose but a LOT of health and vitality to gain. Millions can attest to this... and the numbers are growing every day. With the increasing cost of healthcare and medications - and with the surge in air, water and food-based toxins -, more and more people are looking for natural ways to prevent and treat disease. Juice fasting is, by far, one of the best ways to get started.

This process, however, does require some work. You will need to purchase the fruits and vegetables, wash, peel and prepare them for juicing - AND you will need to have agood juicer. The cleaning process can also be a little tedious since the pulp in fruits and veggies can make one heck of a mess. Are you willing to do that? Believe me, these are VERY minor inconveniences compared to the amazing health and quick weight loss benefits juice fasting ALWAYS gives.

Juice Fasting Definition

Juice fasting, in a nutshell, is the substitution of solid food in favor of raw fruits and/or vegetables liquefied by hand or in a juicer. It is basically a liquid diet carried out for as little as 24 hours to as long as 100 days and beyond, depending on the purpose for which it is being done. I have heard of juice fasts going on for as long as a year for the healing of chronic ilness, although the people DID add these soy protein powder andliquid multivitamin supplements.

Juice fasting can also be done on a "per meal" basis. In other words, instead of having lunch a certain day, you prepare a glass of juice and substitute it for the meal. Once a week, twice weekly ... intermittent fasting by jucing three days a week and eating for four - these are all alternatives at your disposal. Whatever your schedule and availability, there is a juice fasting program that you can implement. There really are NO excuses. Whatever one is able to start with is fine. Even fasting one day per month is better than nothing.

Slow Down & Rejuvenate

Fasting & The Mind-Body-Spirit

In this fast-paced world in which we live, it is increasingly difficult to decelerate in order to learn, practice and carry out new ways to improve our lives. Fasting has been overlooked in the past even though it has the seed-promise of physical, mental and emotional health. In recent years, however, studieshave emerged which give it increased credibility. It has been found that abstaining from food for a given amount of time can actually improve overall health and wellbeing, as well as have marked anti-aging and life extension effects.

The ancients knew this ... and the modern world is catching on! I have a feeling that juice fasting and water fasting will continue to increase in popularity during the 21st century. Considering the billions of dollars that are spent annually in skin care, anti-aging and weight loss, it is important for you to realize that simply adopting a juice fasting lifestyle can help you to accomplish ALL of these benefits. In my opinion, fasting is definitely one of the cheapest and fastest ways to get there. Even if you are a skeptic; stick around! You may, after some further reading, decide to give it a shot.

Physical, Mental & Spiritual Healing

As we have mentioned in other parts of this site, almost all disease originates in the digestive tract. There are many holistic medicine enthusiasts and practitioners who would easily say the correct word is ALL ...period. The danger is greater for persons who are more than twenty pounds overweight and who eat poorly. Those who suffer from the heartbreaking cycle of binging eating disorder are especially vulverable. Juice fasting, whether with fruits, vegetables or a combination of both, is a powerhouse of healing and can notably improve these life-crippling conditions.

Juice fasting has the potential to heal the entire being: body, mind and spirit. When the body is detoxified, the mind becomes sharper. It is not uncommon for persons that juice regularly to report that they function better, think more clearly, have more energy and no longer are pressed-down by ongoing depression and anxiety. If you have been stricken by these types of paralyzing emotional foes, juice fasting can definitely help. When the mind is clearer, a person is able to focus his or her physical and mental resources with greater efficiency. The result is deeper wisdom and discernment. A person can often come to live in a "higher plane" of awareness just by being able to think more clearly.

When toxins are eliminated from the body through juice fasting or water fasting, the blood that flows through our veins is much cleaner and more powerful which, in turn, energizes the mind. It is truly amazing. I have seen people crippled by depression make dramtic recoveries through fasting. It is definitely a powerful start to the recovery process. None of us were born or came into this world to live our lives in obesity, toxicity, misery and depression, don't you think?

Lessons from a Cancer Patient

Juice Fasting & Physical Healing

One of the biggest lessons in juice fasting I received was from a friend who was diagnosed with cancer and was fighting for her life. This amazing lady was the first to ever tell me that,Fasting gives your digestive system the opportunity of a lifetime - to rest and flourish again.

This precious friend inspired me through her strength-of-will and courage as she embarked in a prolonged period of juice fasting to fight the dreaded cancer. Chemotherapy was not treating her well. She knew there had to be an alternative. She devoured traditional and holistic medicine books, eventually arriving at a resource in which persons with chronic diseases said they had found relief and even healing through fasting.

She immediately began a weekly program of 24-hour juice fasting for several months. She would return to normal eating the following day, and fast again for one-day the same day the following week. Being very wise, she added more days later under her doctor's supervision until she actually carried an uninterrupted juice fast for 60 days. During the process, I could see her health and wellness coming back. She literally went from a bedridden dying person to one who could get up, cook and even walk her dog.

As the months went by, the color started coming back to her face until, two years later, she beat cancer altogether. She did this with both juice fasting AND chemotherapy. Still, towards the end of her treatment, the chemotherapy sessions were reduced because she was doing so much better. It was truly a miracle. What is the moral of this story? Simply this: JUICE FASTING HAS THE POWER TO HEAL DISEASE; THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! But please, let me emphasize that BY NO MEANS are we saying anyone should abandon medical treatment.

Juice fasting IN ADDITION to whatever else has been prescribed is the safest and most responsible way to go with any illness, especially one as deadly as cancer. Many do find, however, that after some time of fasting they are able to reduce and even eliminate harsher treatments. But that decision should be made by a physician in the light of test results. In short, there is a lot of hope. Whether you are ill, or simply wish to lose weight and get healthier, juice fasting is a powerful way to do it.

Tired & Sick

During the time my sick friend started fasting, I recall being physically and emotionally drained myself. My body was beat-up pretty bad from poor eating habits, a hormonal imbalance, lots of stress and difficult family/financial situations. It was bad. I had a hard time concentrating and started to have periods of insomnia. I was in deep emotional turmoil and my joints were stiff and achy. All told, I was exhausted and sick. Impressed by the miraculous results my friend got, I decided to learn more about the benefits of juice fasting. I made up my mind to start doing a juice fast at least once a week, increasing the number of days as my body grew accustomed. Little did I know that I was about to embark in the journey of a lifetime, much of which culminates in the pages you are now reading.

Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits, Vegetables & Juice Fasting

When juice fasting, one consumes lots of fruits and vegetables in liquid form. So I went to the supermarket and bought my favorite ones, including apples, pears, cantaloupe, grapes, grapefruit, oranges and cabbage, collards, lettuce, wheat grass and watercress. This is a standard recipe with lots of nutritional potency that I always recommend. It is truly a detox and disease-killing powerhouse. I learned that the body needs one pound of uncooked vegetables per 50 pounds of weight.

Juicing makes this possible to achieve. Assimulation of nutrients is faster since the body does not have to separate the fiber. And above all, juice fasting gives the body very important nutrients called enzymes. Enzymes are essential for digestion and food absorption. They protect our cells from being damaged by the many toxins in food, air and water. Enzymes also produce energy and body tissue. Juice fasting is a raw food diet at its very finest. For a discussion on raw food diets, visit fruit fasting when you have a chance. Fruit fasting is another type of system that I used where one goes for 7-to-21 days eating only apples, pears and bananas.

Juice fasting really saved my life. It induced a real positive change in me - physically and mentally. The enzymes nourished me back to health and strengthened my embattled immune system. I was feeling better than ever and even looked younger. And it can do the same for you too!

Side Effects

Depending on how overweight and toxic you are, fasting side effects may include; skin eruptions and boils, dizziness and headaches. You may have bad breath, a metallic taste in your mouth and very strong body odor. Nausea, fever, weakness, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting, white paste-like film in the tongue, headaches and dizziness are all symptoms related to fasting and detoxification. Consult your physician before you start, even if you plan to only practice juice fasting once a week. People with serious health conditions, ulcers, diabetes hypoglycemia, liver and kidney diseases must not fast without direct and constant supervision by a qualified health care professional.

If you have not had a physical exam in some time, this is the time to do so, along with basic panel blood work. Those taking prescription medications, as well as women who are either pregnant or nursing, are encouraged to talk to their doctors BEFOREstarting any type of fasting program. This is not a speed race nor are we trying to break any world records. So DO IT, but be patient.

General Tips

General Juice Fasting Tips

The best way to prepare for juice fasting is to taper-off sugar, starches and greasy foods ONE WEEK before starting. Eat less. Don't overstuff yourself with food thinking that you are storing up to feel less hungry. You are not a bear going into hibernation. That is a no, no. It will not work. It will make you miserable later. Drink AT THE VERY LEAST half-a-gallon of water daily during this pre-fast period. Stay close to a toilet -especially if you NEVER have been much of a water drinker. Cut out steaks, pastries and anything with a high sugar or fat content. If you can eat mostly salads, steamed vegetables and lean poultry/fish for 7 days prior to fasting, the discomfort will be notably less. This is a golden nugget that I strongly advice you to follow.

During the fast, prepare juices made up of a COMBINATION raw vegetables and uncooked fruits, organic if your budget permits. If not, don't worry about it. Regular supermarket fruits and vegetables will do just fine. But I recommend that you combine them. Some people drink juice only from fruits. In my experience, this is not optimal because many fruits contain lots of sugar which can spike cravings and have an adverse effect on blood-sugar levels. Besides, vegetables have tons of nutrients that I don't want you to miss out on. So use BOTH juice and vegetables! If you shy away from veggies because you don't like their taste: GET OVER IT! Trust me: even if at first you don't like them, liquefied veggies will grow on you.

Of course, make sure you remove pits, tough fruit skins and, logically, citrus peels. I would be careful with grapefruit and citrus foods, unless you are specifically doing the Master Cleanser lemonade diet. You CAN use lemons and oranges ... but do it sparingly. Citrus fruits are very acidic and this may cause you intestinal discomfort.

I highly encourage you to add organic wheatgrass to the juice. Wheat grass is part of the cereal family which includes barley, oat and rye grass. It neutralizes acid production and contains large amounts of chlorophyll, very similar to the hemoglobin in your blood. Wheat grass helps to reduce food cravings. The grass can be bought fresh or in powder form. The organic type linked above is the one I prefer. I recommend you take 2 Oz. a day of wheat grass mixed with your juice.

As far as the actual portions of juice, I normally drink anywhere between 32 to 64 oz daily divided in 8 and 9-ounce portions. I drink five times a day, but you can drink more if you still feel hungry. I will go out on a limb and actually tell you to go ahead and drink as much as you want. If the hunger gets overwhelming, take a large swig of water. While I am fasting I normally drink up to one gallon of water per day - in addition to the actual juice. Visit Disease Resistant Superfoods.Com when you have a chance. It is an amazing resource for learning about vital nutrients and antioxidants. Moreover, Acai Natural Pain Free Health explores how adding some rare fruits to your diet can reduce inflammation and pain, improve recovery time after athletic activity and provide powerful nutrition.

Take it Slowly & Breathe

Bad nutrition, pollution, free radicals, stress, difficult life situations, etc - all produce toxic deposits in the blood stream. Nevertheless: There is hope. Move forward. You can cleanse through juice fasting and add many healthy years to your life. And do not forget to breathe, as breathing calms down hunger pains, detox symptoms and the volatile emotions that often surface while one is fasting.Check out the amazing bookFree Your Breath, Free Your Life for more on this crucial, life-giving topic. Ok: Let's go to Fruit-Vegetable Detoxification and continue our juice fast discussion.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Awesome site

http://www.redbraceletproject.com/ I love it

Skinny Girl Diet

Rules: * Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want, without counting them as calories.
* Work out at least 30 minutes, 5x a week.
* any extra calories going over the limit MUST be burned off in cardio